Sunday, November 16, 2008

Are you like me?

I'm a bit different to a lot of people...

I can't stop myself from creating businesses or money-making projects. I love being free to be my own boss and to be responsible for the results I produce. That is the thrill for me. Oh, and I really love helping people.

I like to lead - rather than follow...

I like to make things happen - where other people may never even see an opportunity. Or, if they do, they are too scared to act on it. Sound familiar? The fact you are on my list means that you can probably relate to what I'm saying. A huge part of my "business" is about helping other people to achieve their dreams. One way I am doing this is by building a synergistic network of like-minded people who can share what they know with the whole group.

Recent ly, I found myself taking on too much...

I was neglecting my family, starting new projects and then losing my focus about where my businesses should be headed. I was also struggling with how to balance business demands while still giving my wife and kids the priority time they deserve. I felt, actually, a bit exhausted and lacked my usual passion and boundless energy.

And that was NOT like me. Ask any one who knows me...

I'd lost my direction to a degree and I wasn't enjoying "life" - and I normally love my business and my family. I am a passionate man - passionate to be a good husband and father first and passionate to have fun and make good money in my businesses.

Here's one thing I know...

I never felt the need for a "Life Coach" - whatever that is. I'd been to the " school of Life , mate!". The College of hard knocks where I learned everything I needed to make a lot of money and be a successful in business AND in life. Or so I thought.

And that's where Steve Chitty came in...

Click here to read the rest of the article...

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Yours Successfully,
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Business Automation Specialist

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